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Passing through the life’s pages

Seeping through the leaves

I took out a leaflet

I felt embers in its heart

But sparkle faded

Oh! What innocence!

Passing through the life’s pages

Seeping through the leaves

I took out a pamphlet

I felt fire in its heart

But warmth faded

Oh! What modest pride!

Passing through the life’s pages

Seeping through the leaves

I took out a red-letter

I felt desire in its heart

But age-faded

Oh! What dejection!

Passing through the life’s pages

Seeping through the leaves

I took out a reef

I felt fury in its heart

But rage faded

Oh! What futility!

Passing through the life’s pages

Seeping through the leaves

I took out a leaf

I felt beauty in its heart

But hue faded

Oh! What lewdness!

Passing through the life’s pages

Seeping through the leaves

I took out a fabric

I felt a lovely pattern

But a crinkled surface

Oh! What misunderstanding!

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